“If we don’t believe our sins are responsible for Calvary, then why should we believe that Calvary is responsible for our sins?”
Our pastor made this point during his sermon this past Sunday and I jotted it down and it has stared me in the face every day since then. I’ve been thinking about it long and hard.
What I’ve determined is that every sin in my life.... from the worst to the least.... Christ bore those for me on Calvary. From the white lie I tell my boss, to the speeding ticket I didn’t tell my husband about, Christ felt the punishment for that on Calvary. Christ felt the punishment for the repentant murderer and the repentant tax evader. He felt the punishment for the time you stole from your mothers mad money jar and he felt the punishment for the time you swore in front of your child. He felt the punishment for the adulterer and for the bank robber. He paid the punishment for all of our sins on Calvary that day.
If I’m supposed to believe that he did that for me and that he has re-payed those sins for me... then I should take full responsibility for every single lash that He took, for every torment he received, for every thorn in that crown, for the nails that pierced his hands and feet, and for the spears that pierced his sides.... my sins are responsible for that.
Your sins did that.
Our sins did that.
My sins did that.
He bore all that for you, for us, for me......
Because he took that punishment, we will be free. He paid our debt. He finished it.
It is finished.
Thank you Lord for sacrificing your Son for me.
Thank you Lord for finishing it.
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