Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Loads of Laundry and Loads of Prayer

 This is a post from a month or so ago.... I got so much feedback on it i thought I would share here too. Enjoy!

I got angry tonight. It happens to all of us sometimes, I know. I also had one of those moments where God pretty much turns me on my head and shakes the anger from my soul, but I will get to that part in a minute.

It all started with laundry. I HATE doing laundry. Well tonight I cooked a big ole supper, one of those that messes up every single dish that I own. After I sat down to eat I remembered that I hadn't put Emily's sheets in the dryer. So, i put my plate aside and go to the dreaded laundry room. My laundry room is my deep dark secret. I don't mind washing the clothes. Heck, I don't even mind putting them in the dryer. It's the part after that that I can't stand. So, sometimes, maybe once or twice a month (especially around vacations or holidays) the clothes will make it out of the dryer and no further. At this point they seem to call all of their laundry buddies and have a big ole party just outside of my dryer. Tonight they had attracted many friends... about six loads worth. All those clothes and I still had to put Emily's sheets into the dryer. This meant that I would have to pull yet one more load of clean stuff out of the dryer and let them join the party. So I do that (what's one more load) and go back to the kitchen to retrieve my cold plate.

By this time Emily and Jason have finished and their plates are stacked next to the sink. Not in the sink, no, that would make too much sense. Almost as much sense as in the dishwasher, but that's a different story. So I quickly eat my meal and immediately start cleaning all the dishes. No help from the husband, or the daughter, my boys are in MS, but had they been here they probably wouldn't have helped either (grumble grumble grumble). I put the last plate in the dishwasher and it's time for Em's bath. I wrangle her into the bath tub. I have to get her a towel out of the laundry party cause there aren't any in her room. While she's bathing I remember her sheets and pull them out of the dryer and put them back on her bed. In the mean time I find yet another load throughout the house and i put them on to wash.

After Emily is in the bed and Husband is watching some show about surviving in the wild (how would he survive without three shirts a day?), I go to the laundry party and bust it up. I'm grumbling, and fussing, and fuming. And then I pick up one of Sam's shirts. It's not a special one but it's one that he wears a good bit. I stop and say a prayer for him, and hope that the next time that he wears this shirt that he has a good day. I pick up the next item, one of Emily's dresses that she has worn so much it has holes in it and I laugh and fold it carefully. LAUGH??? But I'm still angry, no time for laughing and praying and sentimental folding..... i fold some towels and bath cloths (they're easy) and then dig back in. I find some of Jason's grease stained work clothes. I thank God that he has a job and that he provides for us. A pair of Nolan's jeans with grass stains (thank goodness he can run and play and slide in the grass), Emily's shirt with a chocolate stain (thankful that we have so much food that we even have dessert), And it starts coming easier and easier...

I'm praising God for each piece of laundry and praying for each person in my family that it belongs to. Before I know it, all those clothes are put away and I'm not angry anymore. In fact, I'm happy, and grateful. What a silly problem to have too many clothes when others don't have a warm shirt to wear. How silly to complain about putting clean clothes away when others long for clean clothes. Like I said, God shook the anger right out of me and replaced it with all these praises. He's good about that. I'm writing this so that next time it piles up maybe i will remember to be thankful instead of angry.

"My dearly loved brothers, understand this: Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger,  for man’s anger does not accomplish God’s righteousness.  Therefore, ridding yourselves of all moral filth and evil, humbly receive the implanted word, which is able to save you." James 1:19-21

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